Abigail Hanauer
I am a project manager/marketing manager. I have served for the last two years as the 1st Vice Chair for RPSC. My main goals are to: - Increase transparency from the Executive Committee - Increase communication to the Republican body of Sandoval County - Restore the voice of the governing body and create a positive outlook on the County Central Committee and their governance.  I concur with the state rules that the CCC governs the affairs of the Party in our county, and that everyone on the CCC deserves to have their voice heard, to have discussions, and to bring forth ideas and solutions. - I believe in working smarter, not harder to accomplish our goals. - My goal is to create a database of resources, programs, project plans, and communication plans to serve as a resource for incoming administrations to follow into the future. - I believe that RPSC should should reflect power from the bottom up, not the top down. - I believe in unity. Creating an environment of comradery and togetherness in pursuit of one goal - to expand the Republican Party and elect Republican Candidates - I believe that we need to adhere to our rules set forth, and judge on actions not feelings.  - I believe in addressing issues that arise in a timely manner, and allowing the body to discuss solutions. I have put in countless hours in creating our website, launching our social media ( I intend to create a committee dedicated to social media).  I want to be a standing example in NM of how a county should run. I have lived here for 24 years. My children attended RRPS. I know many people in our community and will strive to bring forth a positive mindset towards our members and to our candidates without bias.  |